Senator Dave Min’s Gun Violence Prevention Bill Passes Senate Floor
Senator Dave Min’s Gun Violence Prevention Bill Passes Senate Floor
Senate Bill (SB) 264 prevents gun sales on state property
SACRAMENTO, CA — Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) released the following statement upon the passage of his gun violence prevention bill, SB 264, from the Senate floor. This bill ceases the sale of firearms and ammunition on state property, such as on county fairgrounds.
“I’m thankful to my colleagues for passing SB 264, which stops the sale of firearms and ammunition on state property like county fairgrounds,” Min said. “County fairgrounds are intended to be family friendly venues. Instead, they’ve become known for hosting gun shows. While the Second Amendment protects the rights of individuals to bear arms, it does not require our great State of California to use taxpayer-owned property to disseminate more deadly firearms into our communities. Given the clear linkage between the sale of guns and the likelihood of gun violence in a community, our state must stop being in the business of selling guns. Unfortunately all too often this year, we’ve seen headline after headline of terrible tragedies throughout the nation and California — two shootings in my district and in San Jose last week. Enough is enough.”
The final vote count for SB 264 was 29-9. The bill heads to the Assembly next.