Governor Newsom Signs Senator Min’s SB 935 to Enhance Restraining Orders for Victims of Domestic Violence
SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Min announced today that Governor Gavin Newsom has signed Senate Bill (SB) 935 into law. This legislation will allow Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (DVROs) to be renewed as many times as necessary for victims of abuse. SB 935 addresses the lack of clarity in current law concerning whether a judge may subsequently renew a DVRO that has previously been renewed which has led to inconsistent handling of DVROs by judges across the state and the denial of victims legal protections on a recurring basis. The legislation is part of a larger domestic violence package championed by Senator Min.
“Domestic violence restraining orders reduce violence and save lives,” said Senator Dave Min. “Research shows us that civil restraining orders are the most effective legal remedy available for preventing domestic violence, but unfortunately, the inconsistent application of restraining order renewals by judges throughout the state has endangered the safety of many DV survivors. SB 935 clarifies that restraining orders can be renewed by as many times as necessary without the burden of filing for a new DVRO. I’m proud to author this crucial measure that will improve the safety of DV survivors.”
“This important bill addresses a lack of clarity in current law that has led to survivors being denied ongoing protection from abuse, including the many survivors who are self-represented,” said Christine Smith, Public Policy Coordinator at the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence. “It will increase the ability for survivors to renew domestic violence restraining orders, and further ensure that these renewals provide long-term safety for survivors.”
"A system that ends a survivor’s DVRO, often because it was doing exactly what it was supposed to do, curtailing abuse, is a system failure that needs correcting," said Kathleen Russell, Executive Director of the Center for Judicial Excellence. "California should be prioritizing the safety of survivors and making it easier to renew DVROs, not more difficult. This vital bill prioritizes the safety of survivors and CJE is proud to support Senator Min's much needed SB 935."
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